Join the Willing Workers Society

At our school, every family and supporter of Christian education is a valued member of the Willing Workers Society. Throughout the year, we organize various fundraisers to support different departments for school and students’ needs.

Participation in these fundraisers is essential, as every student benefits from the collective efforts. Each family is expected to contribute time, food, and talents to ensure the success of these events. As we’ve long believed, “Many hands make light work.” Each spring parents will be requested to sign up to assist in fundraisers for the following year. Working together promotes fellowship within our school community.

Willing Workers Officers


  • President – Deann De Groot
  • Vice President – Katie Allmaras
  • Treasurer Advisor – Kate De Jong
  • Treasurer – Meredith De Ronde
  • Corresponding Secretary – Kristin Boender
  • Recording Secretary – Arianne Vonk